History of the Emergence of Information and Communication Technology


Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has become a basic need for everyone living in this year. How come? Because without cellphones and laptops, they can’t get the opportunity to get extraordinary income potential. Technically, ICT is the most effective means of connecting many people at the same time. Armed with a fairly stable internet, all communication processes run smoothly, quickly and safely.

Aspects of ICT have various uses in everyday life. Everyone has felt good impact with the emergence of the media. Where one of them is integrated information management, manipulation of work data, tools for all things and so on. The level of communication between each other is growing rapidly from year to year. It is known that ICT has appeared in the middle of the 20th century. At that time, a set of computer tools was developed to bring new colors to interact virtually.

Various hardware (Hardware) to software (Software) have been determined to continue to improve brotherly relations between colleagues, companies and countries. Science has been combined by several well-known computer technicians. So that they are able to create new breakthroughs in establishing viable and long-term relationships.
In prehistoric times or around 4000 BC. ICT has played a very important role in bringing people together. It is evident that the Sumerians used clay or leaves to channel their aspirations. Several years later, various media emerged which often made friendship relations much better and more accurate.

The Early Emergence of ICT
Many people think that ICT is one of the suggestions that is very feasible to combine many parties. It is true. If you look at the findings that were displayed by Alexander Graham Bell in 1875, he succeeded in finding a telephone that could really interact with each other. The voices or the lines of communication they do are very confidential.

In the 1910s, ICT has experienced changes and developments that are very legendary. Where radio broadcasts become the main reference to connect many people at the same time. Unlike the telephone, radio does not need to use cables to unite everyone, but only uses electronic waves.

In the 1940s, the transmission of the emergence of ICT was growing. And this is indicated by the existence of black and white television broadcasts. Where television at that time had become the main struggle of the citizens because it only broadcast one program. Uniquely, the program has various impressions in large numbers.

A few years later, there was a cold war between the inventors of the computer. They also do not want to admit who is the best, but the development of these tools is proof that ICT in the world is increasingly adapting. Since the emergence of computers, several developed countries such as the Soviet Union, Germany and the United States have competed to create airplanes to space rockets.

And in the early 2000s, information and communication media clearly experienced a very drastic increase. Many companies from Asia to Europe have started to create many means to provide social access. Call it since the emergence of cellphones to smartphones. The world community is very enthusiastic about using this tool. Because they have assessed how good and bad the impact is for future needs. And in the Millennial era, many more sophisticated gadgets are being created to advance ICT.

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